Sunday, May 22, 2005
Paul Ricoeur dies

"Let the Reader understand" (Mark 13:14)
Readings and reflections, mostly on things biblical & hermeneutical, from a christian socialist perspective.
There are lots of 'biblical blogs' out there that do not (ostensibly) reflect on politics. This isn't one of them. If the Biblical conception of justice means anything to you; if you share a vision of radical discipleship; well, then I trust that you'll find one or two useful contributions here. And if you can laugh at yourself, and the quirks of our common humanity (not to mention the nonsense some comrades get up to), well... then you are doubly welcome!
What do I mean by 'christian socialism'? I understand the term (especially the 'socialist' aspect) loosely, and certainly not in a dogmatic sense. Have a look at explanatory article by Helmut Gollwitzer, one of my favourite German theologians, even though it is now a bit dated: I would still hold that most of it applies now. See also the website of Anglo-Catholic socialists, with discussion group.
Karl Barth said something along the lines that preaching requires the Bible and the newspaper. So here are a few possibilities:
'The Bible' (and other faith resources)
'The Newspaper'
...and some blogs
All texts on this site,
unless otherwise indicated, are
(c) Holger Szesnat (2004-)